Compile a theme in Shopware 6

Updated on: February 24, 2022

Have you made adjustments to your Shopware 6 shop, installed a new app and your changes are not visible? Or the representation of a certain area in your shop doesn't look quite right? In this case you may need to compile your theme.

Compile the theme

There are different approaches to compiling the theme of your Shopware 6 shop. This can be done via a command via the server console as well as via the Shopware 6 shop administration.

Variant 1: Compile the theme via administration

To compile the theme in your Shopware 6 shop, first log into the administration of your shop. Click on the desired sales channel on the left side menu of the administration and then call up the tab "Theme". Now click on the button "Change theme", select the desired theme (possibly the same one, which was already set) and save your selection by clicking on the blue button "Save" and confirm the action by clicking on the blue button "change theme". The theme should now be compiled. Depending on the cache setting, you might also have to clear the cache (both the shop cache and, if applicable, your browser cache).

Variant 2: Compile the theme via the console

In addition to the aforementioned method for compiling the theme via the administration, the compiling can also be done via the console on your server. The corresponding CLI command is: php bin/console theme:compile.

Do you already know our Visare-Theme for Shopware 6? Our theme is a responsive Shopware 6 theme. Thanks to the detailed documentation and seamless integration into your online shop, the theme is ideal for a quick introduction to Shopware 6.

How to compile a theme in Shopware 6

You can compile a theme in Shopware 6 as follows:

  • Login to the administration of your shop.
  • On the left side menu click on the desired sales channel.
  • Open the tab "Theme".
  • Click on the button „Change theme“.
  • Select the desired theme and click on "save".
  • If necessary, also clear and warm up the shop cache.
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